BCM Groups 2022 華語部小組 2022


*First Name 名:
*Last Name 姓:
*Email Address 電郵信箱:
*Phone Number 電話:
*Date of Birth mm/dd/yyyy 出生年月日:
Address 住址:
*Are you a regular attendee at Blackhawk Church? 您是否經常參加Blackhawk教會的主日崇拜?
*What location do you attend? 您參加哪一堂的主日崇拜?
If you attend Brader Way, what time do you attend? 您參加的是哪一堂崇拜?
If you would like more general information about our Blackhawk Chinese Ministry (BCM), go to our website: 
如果你想要更多的華語部訊息,歡迎到華語部的網頁: https://blackhawk.church/chinese-ministry/
Please select the groups you are interested in and we will be in touch with you soon 請勾選您有興趣參與的聚會,我們會儘速與您聯絡:
Join our Blackhawk Chinese Ministry email list to hear about upcoming events and news 我想收到華語部聚會通知的電子郵件: