Marriage: Vow Renewal Request Form

Couple's Information

*Wife's full name:
*Husband's full name:
*Date you got married:
*How long did you date before you got married?:
*Did you participate in any form of premarital counseling or classes before getting married?:
If so, what?:
*Do you have children?:
If so, please list their ages:
What has prompted your decision to renew your vows at this time?

Wife's Information

*Phone (cell)
*How long have you attended Blackhawk?
*How often do you attend Blackhawk?
*Which site do you normally attend?
If Brader Way, which venue do you usually attend?
*Are you involved in a Blackhawk Life Group?
If so, please list your Life Group leader's name(s).
*Are you involved in any other Blackhawk ministries? (Please list)
*Have you been previously married?

Husband's Information

*Phone (cell)
*How long have you attended Blackhawk Church?
*How often do you attend Blackhawk?
*Which site do you normally attend?
If Brader Way, which venue do you normally attend?
*Are you involved in a Blackhawk Life Group?
If so, please list your Life Group leader's name(s).
*Are you involved in any other Blackhawk ministries? (Please list)
*Have you been previously married?

For this next section, please make sure the wife and husband write their own responses. If one partner is filling out this application for the couple, please have the other partner email his/her paragraph response to Please note that the request will not be processed until both partners' answers are submitted.


At Blackhawk we believe that new life occurs when you trust Christ and Him alone for your salvation.

Have you come to a place in your life where you fully commit to trust and follow Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior now and forever?
Briefly describe how that happened in your life.


At Blackhawk we believe that new life occurs when you trust Christ and Him alone for your salvation.

Have you come to a place in your life where you fully commit to trust and follow Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior now and forever?
Briefly describe how that happened in your life.